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The Founder of East-West Mosaic:
Alchemy of Transformation is Ashgar Gholami. 


For over three decades, Gholami has studied Sufism in the lineage of Shah Maghsood Sadegh Angh, one of the most distinguished Persian Sufi masters in modern times.  His teachings and writings were the inspiration for Gholami in launching East-West Mosaic.


Shah Maghsood, the author of 25 books of spiritual teachings, philosophy and poetry, is considered by many to be comparable, in stature, to such Persian mystic poets as Rumi, Hafiz and Attar (with centers dedicated to his teachings in Paris, Hamburg, London, and many U.S. cities). 


Persian by birth, Gholami came to the U.S. in 1975 to pursue studies in science, becoming a Clinical Laboratory Scientist.  In 2011 he founded East-West Mosaic: Alchemy of Transformation, a monthly Salon featuring scholars and teachers

who present talks exploring the world’s great wisdom traditions, encompassing Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Islam, Judeo-Christian and shamanic belief systems. 


Speakers target the philosophical, spiritual, mystical and cultural backgrounds defining the unique dimensions of each tradition, while exploring the universal values uniting the Eastern and Western worlds.


He is currently working on a book, The Alchemy of Transformation: Mining the Treasures Within, a collection of essays on spiritual awakening, Sufism, and Persian mystical poetry, including Rumi, Hafiz and Attar.




His collaborator for East-West Mosaic: Alchemy of Transformation is Jenny Lenore Rosenbaum. 


A graduate of Barnard College / Columbia University (New York City), she did graduate studies in Comparative Literature at Indiana University. She is a professional journalist specializing in travel and the arts.  Her feature articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Francisco Examiner. She has also researched and written travel films that aired on European and American television.


She is currently at work on a screenplay and a collection of travel tales about exotic places.



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