East-West Mosaic
Alchemy of Transformation
Coming Soon to East West Mosaic
Sptember30 203
hot spriritual stuff
hot person
Launched in November 2011, the monthly Salon, East-West Mosaic: Alchemy of Transformation, explores notions of the sacred in the Eastern and Western worlds and investigates the dynamic synthesis of spiritual values with cultural traditions. Distinguished speakers from San Francisco, the Bay Area and the local community offer their expertise in healing and healthy living modalities originating in or inspired by the Eastern world – especially India, China and Japan. Among their spheres of knowledge are yoga, meditation, acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Indian Ayurvedic techniques, holistic and integrative medicine, self healing strategies and shamanism.
Salon founder, Ashgar Gholami, and Salon organizer, Jenny Rosenbaum, hope these dynamic speakers will serve to inspire, exhilarate, and illuminate – in the process, opening transformative pathways and serving as catalysts to:
● Physical and emotional healing
● Self-realization / attainment of one’s highest potential
● Deep inner growth and spiritual empowerment
● Cognitive expansion
Two of the great rewards of spiritual growth, Rosenbaum believes, are overcoming fear of death and cultivating, in the Buddhist sense, profound compassion for all sentient creatures.
Underlying the Salon’s genesis was the premise that universal values and deep affinities unite East and West, yet each culture exudes its own unique cultural/artistic, philosophical and spiritual/mystical wealth. Speakers explore the world’s great wisdom traditions that have shaped consciousness, from antiquity onward – encompassing Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, Islam and Judeo-Christian thought.
Gholami is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist at Sonora Regional Health Center. Persian by birth, he has studied Sufism for over two decades in the lineage of Shah Maghsoud Sadegh Angha, a spiritual master who authored 25 books of spiritual teachings, philosophy and poetry. Shah Maghsoud is considered by many to be comparable in stature to Rumi, Hafez and Attar, the renowned Persian mystic poets of the 12th to 14th centuries.
“Sufism has taught the healing of the soul and the perfectibility of self for more than 1,400 years,” he says. “It can be described as the science of the soul. Healing one’s soul,” he continues, “offers vast implications for the well-being of body and mind.”
In October Gholami presented a talk entitled: Meditation: Mining the Riches Within. Part of his forthcoming book, The Alchemy of Transformation, it explored the deeper goals of meditation, beyond the relieving of stress, anxiety and grief.
Earlier in 2012, he spoke about Attar’s The Conference of the Birds, considered one of the most profound mystical texts in world literature. Composed in the 12th century, during a period of